About the Artist, Beth Campbell Beth won the first art contest she entered when she was in Grade 7 with the helpful instruction from her school art teacher, Mr. Weins. Her cousin, Terry Oja had convinced her to enter the Junior Farmer's Union Art Contest. The next year she won an award in a Credit Union Art contest. And she was hooked.
But then - life kind of took over. Now - many - many years later - Beth has returned to her art.
Beth grew up on the prairies just south of Elrose, Saskatchewan. After completing her education she lived in Tobermory, Ontario for 20 years. Beth now spends the winters in Saskatoon and her summers in the country where she and her husband, Doug Carlson farm near Diefenbaker Dam.
Her love of life on the prairies is depicted in most of her paintings.
Artist Beth Campbell works in various art mediums, including acrylic and pastel chalks. Beth has used acrylics to paint on various surfaces including leaves to produce her Painted Oak Leaf Series of Painted Cat Eyes. Diane Greenhorne, a fellow Mayfair Artist introduced Beth to pastel chalk on artist sandpaper. Beth's Pet Portraits have been done using the pastels.
Beth has enjoyed painting portraits for her family. A Hockey Portrait was done in pastels for her niece Danielle. The Sleeping Father & Son portrait is of her nephew & his son.
This artist feels that she has accomplished what she set out for if people smile and feel good when they view her work.